The New Life Energy Uncategorized Talking about Energy

Talking about Energy

Talking about energy. 

        As we all know what we need in order to use all our appliances, we need some energy, many time translated as electricity. Many of us have no idea how much they need when we talk about electricity. We just need to think, if is not enough then we need to increase our kw power. Increasing can be from the grid or from natural resources, sun, wind or water, depending of your geographical situation.

       What about saving energy? We need it? It’s worth? How we can save energy?

Now it’s time to talk about Energy conservation:

  • refers to reducing energy through using less of an energy service. Energy conservation differs from efficient energy use, which refers to using less energy for a constant service. For example, driving less is an example of energy conservation. Driving the same amount with a higher mileage vehicle is an example of energy efficiency. Energy conservation and efficiency are both energy reduction techniques.

  • even though energy conservation reduces energy services, it can result in increased, environmental quality, national security, and personal financial security. It is at the top of the sustainable energy hierarchy.

How we take advantage about all types of energy?

      We can use all of sustainable energy that exist until now and investigate the new energy possibilities. We can use wind energy, sun energy, biomass energy or concentrating solar power (CSP) that focuses the sun’s heat to make steam and electricity maintaining the environment green. In the same way we can buy or we can build what we need. Nothing is impossible.

How we can use our resources?

      Analyzing the relationship between society and natural resource use, called ‘social metabolism’, and finding ways to make production and consumption more sustainable in the future, has become a major issue for policy planning.

       Natural resources are the backbone of every economy. In using and transforming resources, assets are built up, adding to the wealth of present and future generations. However, the current rate of resource use by developed and developing nations is unsustainable, meaning that future generations and developing nations won’t have access to their fair share of scarce resources.

      The use of materials has recently become a key issue in sustainability policies internationally, with the G8’s 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) initiative, Japan’s plan to become a ‘sound material cycle society’, and the United Nations Environment Programmer’s International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management.

How we can influence climatic changes?

      Unsustainable resource use can also cause serious damage to the environment and contributes significantly to the enhanced greenhouse effect and climate change. The environmental impact of our resource use patterns will only worsen once the developing world uses resources at the high rates of industrialized countries.


       We need to pay more attention to what we really need and how we use what we have already. I believe the most important in our existence in this world, is knowledge. With knowledge, fear disappear. And knowledge is everywhere, just to look and find. I remember, at university, my teacher said “you’ll not remember all formulas and all theory, but definitely you will know what you looking for, and where you need to reach”.

       As I notice some misunderstood theories, and as many people based on what the “seller” says, fact that is just on paper, a game of numbers and not a reality. We need to cooperate with our environment to achieve our goals.

       What is more important is that we must to understand our environment and adapt ours necessities, because many times, we ask for what we don’t need in reality.

        Every single one of us is smart enough to understand his needs. And God gave us the intelligence to use it, as well as many gifts for each of us and also the freedom to choose. We are just different not what others say about us. In the same way criticism are welcome, especially constructive ones, because we are social beings.

       And most important we need to cooperate with nature, and learn from it. Many things that we do is because they thought us, but many of them are against natural, and for that we need to put in balance and make difference. Everything is invented already, and many of inventions are forgotten, because don’t bring enough money. We need just knowledge to make difference in our world. It’s like accepting the fact that we are into a box, of their point of view, about our knowledge, and we need to put under question mark, and looking from other points of view, and the difference is huge.

       That happens because we have our imagination, our freedom, our way to make it, everyone is unique and we are just different and definitely not what other say, because that is their opinion towards us, because no one get “wet” by the word “water”.

     This is my life know, make it yours too, and together we can make a difference in this world, for us and generations to come.

      Thank you for your patience, and I hope you find something useful. 

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